Club Giggle’s Weird Walmart People Pictures

Club Giggle’s Weird Walmart People Pictures

1 Walmart  Wanna be Gangsta

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This look is called Busting a Sag. Apparently, it says you are all Gangster.  This just makes us think you look like a developmentally delayed toddler who needs his mommy to hike them up for him.

2 Drive Up Movie Night

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Looks like someone turned in their spare change in the coin star center and is planning to use the extra cash to have a big movie night. Drove right up there on their Rascal to pick one out. That’s some classy shit right there.

3   Hookers Like Sales Too

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This upstanding young lady has taken sometime out of her busy hooking schedule to look for the latest Walmart sales. She looks for the finest and freshest in the vegetable section and focuses on carbs because she gets all her protein at work.

4    Walmart Soul Eater

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All we can say is holy shit. She looks like she rolled out of bed and drove to Walmart for a breakfast of tasty souls. Those eyes say you look delicious. We wonder what went on in this person’s life for them to have that stare. Miserable Ex? Scorching rash? Govt check late? Whatever it was it pissed her off so keep your hands and feet behind the counter for safety .


5 Walmart Back Boobs

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If you are a boob man then this is the girl for you. Not only does she have front boobs… but back boobs too!  Look for her in Walmart’s summer swimsuit calendar. They are now taking pre-orders for it at the low price of 1.99 plus shipping and handling. When Walmart says roll back prices this brings a whole new meaning to it.


Don’t forget to check out our funny video If you want to see some wacky stuff watch this..