Club Giggles Top 5 movies of all time

Club Giggles Top 5 movies of all time

1   The GodFather

CLUB GIGGLE the-godfather Club Giggles Top 5 movies of all time

Great movie and brought us sayings like “sleeps with the fishes’Admit it… you walked around for days after seeing this movie making people an offer they can’t refuse.

2 Forrest Gump

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If only life was this simple. Floating along like a feather in the wind. Instead you got your mother in law farting into your couch on weekends and the closest you will ever get to meeting the President is when you lick the back of a stamp.

3  The Shawshank Redemption

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Another classic movie about friendship and rising to be the best you can be… even if it does mean crawling through a 100 year old sewer line so foul Satan himself wouldn’t do it.

4  The Dark Knight

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This movie is a long way from the TV series with Adam West. It has a much darker version of Batman. Makes you want to put on a cape and run down the street at night but take your meds and don’t do it.

5 Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King.

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We didn’t watch it. We just can’t get into any of that wizard stuff. In high school carrying a wand or wearing a wizard hat got you a free butt kicking. It is not really one of our top 5 but more of a public service announcement to save you from getting a beaten.