25 Dumb Jokes That Are Actually Funny. We’ll all have that one friend who tells dumb jokes…jokes that are so dumb you actually laugh at them. The joke itself isn’t funny. Maybe it’s the delivery, the situation, or some other factor, but the joke just isn’t funny. It can’t be. It’s too dumb to be funny.
That situation repeats itself in social circles all over the world, regardless of language, country, or culture. For some reason, it is an innate thing to do. We laugh at things precisely because they aren’t funny. Well, some of us do. The rest of us probably just groan. In fact, this situation might remind you of something. Dad jokes. That’s right, dad jokes. While the two aren’t exactly the same thing, they share a lot of commonalities. Dad jokes typically fall into the dumb, eye roll worthy category.
Today’s jokes, while they are definitely eye roll worthy, and potentially dad jokey, share one thing in common – they are dumb. Very dumb. Some of you will enjoy this, others less so. Regardless, you may be able to at least entertain your friends a little bit with your insanely dry humor. These are 25 Dumb Jokes That Are Actually Funny!