Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition

Who doesn’t love a great FAIL?!



CLUB GIGGLE hole-in-pumpkin.jpg-54169-300x231 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


When carving a pumpkin, you may want to use a reference. That’s the smartest way to ensure a quality design. But start with the inner details; don’t begin by carving the outline. If you need proof, look at this picture.


CLUB GIGGLE droppped-pumpkin.jpg-37078-300x216 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


Seriously though, it looked like it could have been great!



CLUB GIGGLE duct-tape.jpg-37415-300x226 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


What Could have gone so wrong that blue tape was the way to go?



CLUB GIGGLE face.jpg-25797-300x287 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


It must be charming to have someone carve your likeness on a pumpkin. But would you feel as flattered if it looked like this? To give the carving some praise, it still looks like a person and hasn’t fallen apart, which is better than most other pumpkin fails out there.



CLUB GIGGLE fallen-cat.jpg-86005-300x206 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


If the legs had held up, it would have made a great Halloween decoration. Let’s share a moment of silence for this poor pumpkin kitty.




CLUB GIGGLE frankenpumpkin.jpg-41336-300x227 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


Words just can’t describe what became of this pumpkin. Did the artist attempt surgery? Is that thing in the middle actually pumpkin or is it a carrot? Does the band-aid keep pieces together, or is it just for effect?





CLUB GIGGLE how-abou-tthis.jpg-82901-300x226 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


There’s only so much pumpkin that you can carve. Although this sounds obvious, it’s easy to think that you can always carve just a little bit more. At least, you’ll believe that until this happens. That’s a perfectly gutted pumpkin, gone.




CLUB GIGGLE idea-vs-result.jpg-36881-300x217 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


Here’s another example of an intended art piece versus the result. This person tried to replicate a pumpkin carving of a dog. The key word there is “tried.” Although, it still looks like a dog.




CLUB GIGGLE melted-pumpkin-92094-300x225 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


If this pumpkin carver was aiming for an angry look, they achieved it. But they probably didn’t intend for the pumpkin to fall apart. The jack-o’-lantern appears more terrifying now than it did when it was standing.




CLUB GIGGLE minion-pumpkin.jpg-77938-300x263 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


This carving is one person’s recreation of a Minion. Once you know that, you can see the silhouette of a minion from Despicable Me. But most people probably wouldn’t know that unless they were told.




CLUB GIGGLE pumpkin-monster.jpg-53030-300x258 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


This is what a sleep paralysis demon looks like. Jokes aside, this pumpkin is what happened when a carver gave up. It’s certainly ‘creative,’ for lack of a better term. Pumpkin seeds aren’t usually stuffed back into the pumpkin after it’s gutted.



CLUB GIGGLE pumpkin-portal-78026-300x280 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


“Don’t call it a pumpkin fail,” wrote the Twitter user who posted this. “I very specifically and intentionally carved a portal to another world.” That’s far more terrifying than any scary face sculpted into a pumpkin!




CLUB GIGGLE pumpkin-stitching.jpg-64723-300x248 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


The original poster, April C., explained that the strings are “emergency surgery” on the jack-o’-lantern. “It looks super creepy now,” she wrote, and she wasn’t kidding. This pumpkin looks more like a Coraline doll now.




CLUB GIGGLE raccoon-pumpkin.jpg-92842-300x258 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


According to the original poster, this carving was supposed to be a raccoon. They nailed the whiskers. But we can’t entirely tell where the eyes are. Maybe it’s an abstract representation of a raccoon.




CLUB GIGGLE smiley-pumpkin-47859-300x255 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


Ah, the sideways winking smiley. This iconic 😉 was widely used before emojis became popular. This pumpkin is a blast from the past. Was this design intentional? Probably not. But it’s an amusing nostalgia trip more than a pumpkin fail.





CLUB GIGGLE star-eyes-68526-300x269 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


Pumpkins with starry eyes make the cutest Halloween decorations…if they’re cut well. It seems like this poor pumpkin has run into some trouble. Its expression looks like it’s moaning, “help me.”



CLUB GIGGLE swiss-cheese-pumpkin.jpg-38901-300x243 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


“When you’re trying to be fancy…but the Universe has other plans,” the original poster wrote. If they tried to make their pumpkin look like Swiss cheese, they succeeded. Otherwise, we’re not sure what they were going for in the first place.



CLUB GIGGLE tape-design.jpg-13591-300x244 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


“When you can’t carve the design you want, use tape instead.” So goes the ancient proverb of pumpkin-carvers long past. Surely no one will notice this substitution on Halloween night when the candle might set the paper on fire.




CLUB GIGGLE vodka-holder.jpg-25166-300x260 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


This person gave up while they were ahead. They didn’t even take the knife out of the second triangle before repurposing the pumpkin as a vodka holder. If you’re wondering how to put your carving fails to use, here’s an idea.



CLUB GIGGLE yikes-38754-300x219 Fail: Pumpkin Carving Edition


We’ve never felt more horrified of a happy face before. If the creator intended to carve a scary pumpkin, they succeeded. We’re guessing that they didn’t though, because they captioned the photo, “What have I done?”