This is where the saying blow smoke up you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema

This is where the saying blow smoke up you comes from.

1 The Prostate Warmer

CLUB GIGGLE prostate-warmer This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema

Invented in 1918, this device promised to “stimulate the abdominal brain!” (I am not sure what that is, although men have long been accused of thinking with it). The device consisted of a 4.25 inch probe which was plugged into the wall and then inserted into the rectum. When plugged in, a blue light bulb lit up to tell you it was working to restore your manly vitality. Brings new meaning to the phrase “blue light special.”


2 Stricture Divulsor

CLUB GIGGLE 0848be297a057f5ad6a1288c577cab75 This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema


A rod that was inserted into the penis hole to dilate the urethra

We didn’t have the medicine to deal with several sexually transmitted diseases in the 1800s, so patients with extremely narrowed urethras due to disease had it real bad. Doctors would insert these long rods into the urethra through the tip of the penis and then expand the dull blades to dilate the urethra. I think I just puked in my mouth a little.


3 Tonsil Guillotine

CLUB GIGGLE Tonsil_Guillotine-300x199 This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema

Any infection, no matter how small, had life-threatening potential in a time before antibiotics. To treat tonsillitis and its related complication, peritonsillar abscess, commonly known as quinsy, the tonsil guillotine was developed. The instrument permitted a doctor to reach into a patient’s throat, pierce the tonsil with a forkas if spearing a cocktail wiener at a Super Bowl party, and sever the tissue with the guillotine’s blade. By the late 19th century, a mild anesthetic in the form of a cocaine solution was injected before the guillotine’s use. The instrument was a boon to doctors, who had previously risked being bitten while sticking their fingers into a patient’s mouth.

Source :

4 Tobacco smoke enema

CLUB GIGGLE tobacco-smoke-enema-kit-by-wellcome-images-cc-by-sa-4-0 This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema

L0057782 Resuscitation set, Europe, 1801-1850
Credit: Science Museum, London. Wellcome Images
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The idea of reviving a victim of drowning by injecting tobacco smoke into the rectum or the lungs seems very strange to us. To some physicians working two hundred years ago, however, this approach was entirely rational. The resuscitation set contains the equipment necessary to inject into the lungs, stomach or rectum. The bellows could be adapted to inflate the lungs with fresh air or to introduce more stimulating vapours such as tobacco in an attempt to revive the patient. The set includes a small ivory syringe with a flexible leather tube to inject stimulants into the stomach. It also contains nozzles, small circular discs for the nostrils and, for the rectum, the long ivory tubes at the front of the set.

5 Jugum Penis Ring

CLUB GIGGLE 330px-Male_anti-masturbation_devices_Wellcome_L0043841 This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema


The jugum penis or pollutions ring was an anti-masturbatory device developed in the 18th century. It consisted of a steel clip with serrated teeth that could be attached to the penis to deter its unwanted erection. It is one of many devices from the 1700s designed to prevent masturbation and to cure what was then claimed to be an illness called spermatorrhoea.

Source wikipedia

6 Dental Key

CLUB GIGGLE tooth-key-300x177 This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema

With dental hygiene primitive at best, the causes of cavities and gum diseases unknown, and teeth-damaging impurities in bread and other staple foods, most people were forced to seek a doctor—or sometimes the local barber—to relieve their suffering at some point. Before the tooth key or dental key’s invention in the early 18th century, extracting teeth was done by brute force. If the tooth broke during the operation, the doctor had to chip out bits from the gum using a bone chisel. The dental key allowed the doctor to clamp the patient’s tooth with the claw at the end of the instrument. By rocking or rotating the key, the tooth was levered out of the gum, roots and all—without anesthetic. It’s no wonder people held off treatment as long as possible.

Source listverse

7 Rectal Dilators

CLUB GIGGLE img_5fbf7676333f9 This is where the saying blow smoke up  you comes from Behold The Tobacco smoke enema


rectal or anal dilator is a medical device similar to a speculum designed to open and relax the internal/external anal sphincter and rectum in order to facilitate medical inspection or relieve constipation. One early version of a rectal dilator was Dr. Young’s Ideal Rectal Dilators, invented in 1892.